Friday, June 15, 2012

The Gliders are Honking....

I was trying to put together a normal blog post for tonight but I've since been distracted by the present situation going on in my shirt involving my two gliders. Okay so to the first probable question; Yes my gliders like hanging out in my shirt. Why? I don't know I guess they like it in there. It's where they go anytime I pick them up unless I have a cozier looking pocket or hood available to them.

Since I've taken them out of their sleepy pouch they've been under my shirt and seem to have started a conversation. Momo is up on my chest making chattering noises at me either asking for treats, pets or just saying hello. I don't speak glider very well so I'm only speculating there. Kiki, however is running around like a lunatic and will occasionally report back to Momo the weirdest noise I have ever heard her make. It's like she's become a tiny goose, she actually honks every time she gets back to Momo. Josh has described this noise as what he imagines is the noise a tiny goose wearing a fancy hat would make.
Actual size of suspect goose.

I don't know what she's found between my chest and belly button but it apparently requires her to become a tiny, fancy goose. I've tried taking a video of this but they both get really quiet whenever the phone comes out. If it wasn't for boyfriend in the room confirming these noises I would not believe they were coming out of my gliders. Momo is still chattering away and Kiki seems to have fallen asleep on my rib cage so I guess her scouting mission is over. So that was fun, I'm going to go back to writing other things now. Here's a picture of the little weirdo for your troubles.

Kiki-face :P

Update: Kiki had to go back in her cage for trying to inspect what was under the couch. Josh died in a DOTA 2 match because of it. Momo stayed because we thought she was calmer. Nope, apparently now it's time for Momo to go bananas. Since I started typing this she has, jumped at the window twice, and has decided to try biting a variety of things including, my headphones, the nano receiver to my mouse, my mouse, my bracelet, my laptop and the drawstring of my pants. Now she's trying to live inside a box of tissues.

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