A while ago, Josh and I were shown a video of this guy opening up a "Cool Whip" container to reveal eight Momos (sugar gliders) packed into it for cuddle time. It was adorable, I highly recommend watching it. In fact, go do that. Right now. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqSGJzSiz5s
Now go watch. Don't worry, I'll wait.....
Daww, they're so little ^_^. Anyway, today Josh and I were having pie.
And we of course had to have "Cool Whip" which lead to this discussion:
Josh: We should put Momo in this.
Me: What? No, why would we- *GASP* Oh my God, YES! That would be adorable!
So after we were done with pie Josh proceeded to clean out the container and cut a hole in the side for Momo. And this was the result:
That's right, Momo has a fortress now. You know you're jelly :P.